Cairde Chill Ulta has been established to enable companies and organisations of various types, as well as individuals, to become supporters and ‘friends’ of the Cill Ulta community project. This newly established platform will enable interested parties to make a contribution to the important work being carried out by Cill Ulta in promoting sustainability, developing communities, promoting the Irish language and culture, and in building capacities. Cairde Chill Ulta will also be a means of enabling those who participate in the platform to contribute to the advancement of SDG’s and the promotion of ESG aims for local, regional, national, and indeed global benefit.
Members of Cairde Cill Ulta will be contributing in a real and tangible way to advancing sustainability, addressing carbon reduction and promoting good practice regarding the Bioeconomy. Members of Cairde Chill Ulta will be publicly acknowledged as supporters of the project and its sustainability aims. They will be invited to participate in information and other relevant events at Cill Ulta. They will receive regular updates and will be kept informed regarding implementation of the projects strategy and work programme.
For Membership Details click below
English Version Of Fundraising Document.pdf